Peacock Flower


Peacock Flower or Red Bird of Paradise is also known as Mexican Bird of Paradise, Pride of Barbados, Dwarf Poinciana, Barbados Flower-fence, and Paradise Poinciana. This glorious and beautiful tropical flower is called Sidhakya in Sanskrit, Guletura in Hindi, Sankasur in Marathi, Radhachura and Krishnachura in Bengali, Ratnagandhi in Telugu, Mayirkonrai in Tamil, Kenjige in Kannada, Settimandaram and Rajamalli in Malayalam. In Oriya we call it in a totally separate name, because in Oriya Krishnachura is a bigger variety and the tree is also equally huge which is popularly known in Hindi as Gulmohar. This dwarf variety is called Godibana in Oriya. In my village and locality we call it paikra flower. Its botanical name is Caesalpinia pulcherrima.

Its exact origin is unknown due to its widespread cultivation. But it’s one of the most popular trees in tropical countries. In India it is found in almost all parts and is highly prized and planted because of its ornamental aspects. It is widely grown in domestic and public gardens and has a beautiful inflorescence in yellow, red and orange. The blooming season is from May to August. It grows up to 3 m, having 20-40 cm long bipinnate leaves. It retains its leaves throughout the year, and blooms continuously. The flowers are bowl shaped and have five crinkled, unequal yellow, orange or red petals. It has 6-12 cm long fruits which are pods. The fruits when ripe they split apart showing the little brown beans inside. It has medium water requirements and the plant is drought tolerant. It grows very well in open sunlight but if it gets partial shade it has no problem. It tolerates hard pruning, so do the needful to shape as a tree or a shrubby bush. There are no serious pests or disease problem for this plant.
Although it is chiefly valued and cultivated for its ornamental use it has various medicinal properties also. It has properties which is anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, analgesic, antioxidant, antibacterial. The leaves are reported to be purgative and the flowers are reported to be tonic. In many regions decoction of roots is used to cure fevers; infusion of the bark is used as mouth-wash and beneficial in mouth ulcers; Infusion of leaves used for colds, fevers, skin ailments, renal stones, malaria, bronchitis and is reported to be abortifacient. The flower is dried and powdered and is also used as an insecticide. In ayurveda the leaves, flowers are used for fever, jaundice, colic, flatulence, malignant tumours. In Amazon region the juice from the leaves is said to cure fever, the juice from the flower is said to cure sores, and the seeds are said to cure bad cough, breathing difficulty, and chest pain.
Plant this tree. It will add amazing look to your garden and will look best as a hedge plant. All you have to care for is pruning its excess growth otherwise it is always fine. It can also be kept inside as an apartment plant and pruned to a smaller size. It really gives little trouble to the gardener.
Why this one only? Plant a tree; it will never fail you.
