

Four O'clock,Beauty-of-the-night, Marvel of Peru is one of the most delicate flowers which

 bloom in the night. It is called Gulabbas or Gulbakshi in Hindi, Mukak lei in Manipuri ,

Gulabas in Marathi, Anthimalari in Malayalam, Chandramalli inTelugu, Gulamaji in

 Kannada, Sandhya malati in Bengali, in Sanskrit it is called Krishnakali. It's called Rangani 

in Oriya.Its Botanical name is Mirabilis jalapa.  

Four o'clock flowers are trumpet shaped, about an inch across at the end and about two inches

 long. They open in the evening and wilt the next morning. Four o'clocks are leafy, shrublike,

 multi-branched perennials which bloom throughout summer. The plants are erect and

spreading, 2-3 ft tall and just as wide. The fragrant flowers have a wide variety of colours like 

red, magenta, pink, yellow or white, sometimes with two or multiple colors on the same plant.

 Like Petunia, bi-color flowers are also seen.

Four O'clock,Beauty-of-the-night, Marvel,Gulbakshi,Mukak lei,Anthimalari,Chandramalli,Gulamaji,Sandhya malati,Krishnakali,Rangani,Mirabilis jalapa
Rangani-Mirabilis jalapa 

Four O'clock,Beauty-of-the-night, Marvel,Gulbakshi,Mukak lei,Anthimalari,Chandramalli,Gulamaji,Sandhya malati,Krishnakali,Rangani,Mirabilis jalapa
 Marvel,Gulbakshi,Mukak lei,Anthimalari,Chandramalli,Gulamaji,Sandhya malati,Krishnakali,Rangani,Mirabilis jalapa 